Benefits of Anger – How it serves:
🔥 It is a rational and emotional response to trespass, violation, injustice, and moral disorder
🔥 It begets transformation, manifesting passions and investments in the world
🔥 It bridges the divide between what is and what ought to be, between a difficult past and an improved possibility
🔥 It warns us viscerally of violation, threat, danger, and insult
🔥 It challenges actions and behaviors that are not aligned with love and compassion
The differences between how men and women are conditioned to express anger are astoundingly different:
Men (Masculinity):
💥 Boys are taught about anger; validated and vindicated if they mitigate their aggression with acceptable distribution, disruption, loudness, and physical expressions.
💥 For men, anger is seen as a virtue, and men are celebrated for their leadership, protection and authority.
💥 Men are viewed as powerful and respected for asserting their voice. Seen as a hero.
Women (Femininity):
✨ As young girls, when a boy crushes our sandcastle or tears down our lego fort, we are met with statements like, “Oh, he’s just being a boy. Boys will be boys.” We’re crafted to be nice girls. “Pretty girls don’t throw temper tantrums.”
✨ Throughout a woman’s life, she is given sequential labels; first a “cute princesses,” then a “drama queen,” then a “high-maintenance bitch.”
✨ As women, we’re told that we are bitter, crazy, emotional, irrational, scary, demonic, and mad for expressing our feelings and points of view.
✨ We’re viewed as needy, unattractive, selfish, imposing, or burdensome for having or expressing our needs.
✨ We figure out ways to tolerate, modify, and ninja our needs and priorities to put others at ease; adapting, filtering, masking, and minimizing risks that might jeopardize our relationships, reputations, and livelihood.
✨ We’re encouraged to ignore, hide, minimize, repackage, divert and transform our anger; calling it frustration, irritations, exasperations…anything but stating, “I am angry.”