Women are often punished, trivialized, dismissed, and gaslighted for expressing anger or frustration. This is deeply harmful and abusive and has conditioned women to remain silent about what they need, want, and feel. We’re shamed for having emotions and expressing the very things that men love at first; empathy, vulnerability, and compassion.
We teach young girls to be agreeable and nice, but forget to teach them as we do boys, that they should also be respected. Society has difficulty accepting girls and women that have anger for having their voices stifled and stuffed; they’ve been expected to cheerfully be available for the development of boys and men, acting in feminine ways, empathetic, vulnerable, and compassionate; serve me but don’t overly express your feelings and needs nor express disappointment or anger when something is unfair and unjust. Anger that doesn’t have a healthy outlet to express, be heard, and create change, turns to sadness, inauthentic, and repressed with a feeling of powerlessness and less desire to make change.
Our climate is changing. We have the first woman as Vice President. She is a woman of color. I’m sure she has been outspoken, harsh, pushed boundaries, and faced difficulties as a woman holding a position in what has been a masculine dominated place.
As a woman of this world, being firm and kind, using your voice for good, breaking barriers of the status quo that lack integrity and justice, is the way it has to be. Fierce compassion. It’s time to bring this world into a divine feminine if any of us will stand a chance.
I’ve been dismissed, pushed away, ignored, judged, accused, spoken negatively of…while using my voice and power for good.
I will always test the barriers and boundaries of systems that don’t hold up to integrity.
It’s in my DNA.